How do I properly cite information from a USLO?

I need to cite a USLO for one of my classes. How do I get started?


The librarians encourage students to sign up for an Academic Writer (AW) account.

AW is from the APA or the American Psychological Association. APA is the same organization that produces APA style, and that's the *only* style used in Academic Writer.

Galen's premium subscription to Academic Writer can be accessed from any Canvas course- the link is in the left navigation bar.

Meanwhile, you can use the PowerPoint Slide or Lecture Note Reference templates for citing a USLO:

Just change [PowerPoint slides] to [Unit Student Learning Outcome].

If you're using Academic Writer, when you look at the templates for references, see the last row in the second column- Unpublished and Informally Published Works.

Use the template for “Lecture" from an Online course, PowerPoint slides or lecture notes.

Academic Writer Reference Template Screenshot

Academic Writer Informally Published Templates

Also, check out the Library LibGuide: How to cite items from Canvas

Screenshot of LibGuide- How to Cite Canvas

  • Last Updated Jan 16, 2025
  • Views 49
  • Answered By Carol

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