How do I determine if an article is primary or secondary? Qualitative or quantitative?

You will need to open the article and read the METHODS section.


The first step is to determine if the article is scholarly. 

  • When searching for scholarly articles in EDS be sure to have the Full Text, and Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal limiters on. ​

  • The Scholarly Journal limiter will filter out eBooks, magazines, skills sheets, etc.

  • Keep in mind that scholarly journals contain expert pieces, opinion pieces, sidebars, and more, alongside scholarly articles​

  • It is essential to check that each article is scholarly if you need scholarly articles for your assignment.

For additional information please view the FAQ How do I know if an article is scholarly?


Once you have determined the article is scholarly, you can move on to primary/secondary and qualitative or quantitative identification. You may view the slides or watch the videos at the bottom of the page. 




Examples of primary sources are randomized controlled trials, case studies, longitudinal studies, etc. 

Examples of secondary sources are meta-analyses, systematic reviews, etc. 






Here are some examples of qualitative and quantitative data and methods/designs you can use to determine source type.



To view our full series visit our Resources for Research guide. 



  • Last Updated Jan 09, 2025
  • Views 180
  • Answered By Jessica Xiong

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